paintings by Lyn Wood lyn wood


artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood artworks by Lyn Wood
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Artist Statement

The river is a rich and complex resource for my work. It has a leakiness to it. By drawing and painting its biosphere, using those things I see, and those that I feel, I am gaining a broader understanding on a more universal level, about the necessary incompleteness of our natural world.